
Tuesday 12 March 2013

The Button Affair

Indie games how I love thee so, and I will play lots more of them, because they are so much fun and it's nice to play some games that are actually different, rather than the generic shooters that everyone one seems to like for some reason.

Speaking of me playing more Indie games... I played another one today.

Thanks for read/watching. 

Thursday 7 March 2013

SCP Containment breach

I think I'm really getting into the  swing of recording things and I really enjoy it so I will keep them coming thanks to anyone who watches them.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Flat Space 2

I played Flat Space 2 today as I hadn't in a while and I don't know why I haven't, I really enjoy this game and all the random things that happen in it.
Oh and I recorded it.
Thanks for read/watching

Tuesday 26 February 2013


Just a jumble of letters or the acronym of I Wanna Be The Guy Gaiden which I decided to play and well I didn't get very far but never the less have another video.
 Apologies for the audio quality I will be buying a better mic soon.

Thanks for Reading/Watching.

Monday 25 February 2013

Coming up tomorow ... hopefully

We should be putting up the next 15 minutes or so of Tombi, which should prove interesting.
Also a new video section that the name of has yet to be decided probably something along the lines of "first impressions", where we will be trying games for the first time, making for some interesting content especially with the horror ones.

Thanks for reading
Check back on Wednesday for a link to a video or two ... hopefully

Friday 22 February 2013

At Last


15 minutes of Tombi as promised a few months ago. Join me, Ben and Joe as we start our adventure into the surreal world of Tombi.

I'm not entirely sure we will continue this one I have the recordings already but Joe didn't seem too sold on the idea, maybe me and Ben can talk him round

Thanks for reading/watching

Saturday 2 February 2013

Evil Genius

Ever wanted to run your own Evil corporation in a comedic style, well get onto Good old  games and find Evil genius ( there's a quick link to it, for just $9.99 you could be running an evil empire hidden inside a mountain.

Above you can see a whole bunch of rooms filled with people, those people are your minions and they can be trained to have different specialities. First off you have the basic minion that is in an orange jumpsuit and they are used for putting down new things in your rooms and making the rooms with explosives. The guys in the red jackets are the valets and they are very good at leading away any agents that try to break into your base and uncover your secrets .

There are quite a few other minion types you can get such as guards, mechanics and spin doctors all very good at specific things and are needed to do certain missions on the mission world map shown below.

On this map you can organise devious missions for your minions to carry out like kidnapping people and stealing priceless items this will also show you where any super agents that are coming for you may be.

Along with the minions you also get henchmen they are a lot stronger and can take out large groups of normal agents with ease. As you get further into the game you get more heat so the governments of the world will send more and more people your way and eventually super agents which can be the most annoying thing in the world as they are tough to take down so you can use valets and spin doctors to confuse them and then if you're lucky they will leave but they will be back.

If you want to know more go get it when I got it I played it for about 9 hours in one day and I was still finding things out.

Thanks for reading

Monday 14 January 2013


Ever found yourself on the run from space deer because you helped some cats hide their stolen equipment... no then get your ass on Flotilla an Indie game that I am in love with because the game play is beautifully simple and the soundtrack is absolutely incredible.
Here's a picture of a those cats I was talking about:

So the basis of the game is you have 7 months to live and two spaceships at your disposal (to start with anyway) so you set out to have your last adventure and lets just say it gets pretty whacked out crazy. It has a sort of Faster Than Light feel about it with the choosing where to go and what happens except you aren't getting chased by anyone, apart from your looming death that is. Anyway so there are really two types of game play, the navigating and the fighting (which by the way is done superbly).

So the picture with the cats doesn't really show what the, lets call it a map screen is really like so below you'll find another picture of the navigation map screeny thing.

This is the travelling screen and as you go to each planet things happen and you get points. Why do you get points, because there is an online scoreboard.
This game is available on Steam for  £6.99 and there is a free demo on Steam.
You can also go to their website which is and buy it for £6.22.

Right onto the battle screen as shown below, looks pretty hectic but it is much the opposite.

The combat in this is turn based so you select where you want a ship to go first across then up and down and then what orientation and what the primary target should be.
Ending it here as I am going to go play it and I suggest you do the same.

Thanks for reading

Thursday 3 January 2013

Natural Selection 2

what a brilliant game it would seem this has taken over everything at the moment I haven't really touched anything but natural selection 2. the game may not be well balanced and every server gets pretty damn laggy, well lets just say it hasn't been optimised yet but there is a patch coming out soon I believe.

So the above picture illustrates a dead marine because there is no way he's getting out of that, the big dinosaur looking son of a gun is an Ono's the biggest, most expensive and shiniest alien available that isn't particularly good for how much it does cost.

The guy in front of the Ono's is what looks like a basic Marine with the terrible machine gun there is nothing special about these guys it's just your basic spawn as a Marine. Those orange glowing things on the floor are Cysts they allow the Aliens to expand their structures to new areas and open new hives also as a marine the last thing you want to be doing is walking through goop filled tunnels.
(when I first played this I knew nothing about the cysts and the goop and it looks a lot like sick )

Here we have an Alien base from the viewpoint of a Gorge which I guess would be classed as a healer/builder. Now you may be thinking OK so why don't I just get Aliens vs Predator 2 because this seems very similar, well it is very similar but with no Predators, but and this is a big but there is another game play mode that may come as a surprise if you know nothing about Natural selection 2 and that is Real Time Strategy.

Here is the Alien commanders viewpoint, now this changes the game completely because you cannot get any upgrades in the normal FPS mode without the commander expanding and researching. This really is what made me want this game so badly because the thought of  an RTS where the troops you have are real people just feels like a winning idea. The Marines have a commander as well but both teams are very different pretty much the biggest similarity between the two teams is that they both have commanders.

But alas time to leave this now and go and play some Natural selection 2
this is available on steam and on the day of this post it is on sale for £11.39 ($18.51) so go go go and I'm sure you will enjoy it

Thanks for reading

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Super Meat boy

So my friend introduced me to Super Meat Boy and we done a bit of a live stream of me attempting to play it and well it was a lot of fun so I think we will do another stream soon maybe even today and you will be able to watch it here.

so head on over there for some live game play at some point maybe today maybe tomorrow,

that's all for now thanks for reading