A long time ago in a room that looks very similar to this one I started a youtube channel and a blog, both of which I let decay and eventually die. But I wasn't done so I made another youtube channel and blog and all kinds of crap, again they are slowly dying. So here I am back at square one, blogging on my old account because my friend changed the password over on Themonkeysfeet.
So what happened in the mean time I pressume to hear you ask, so we had a channel and then at some point I became terrified of editing believeing that nothing I make is ever good enough because we would get next to no views. I actually really like editing videos, right now I wish I was editing something because that would help me and my career and everything but no it's easier to type some crap out (also means I can listen to music and drink a bunch)
I also became a chef, so that's progress I guess if in any way I was good at it or enjoyed it I mean honestly there are a million things I'd rather be doing and this is one of them. I have no idea if anything will be posted here again but I will rise again eve if it's just a small group of people who like my work, I like it so suck it.
If anyone reads this ever you can find my cynical ass here: Themonkeysfeet
Doesn't really matter if you read this or not I kinda just needed to vent and this was here so thanks anyway and goodbye.
For now.....