
Thursday 29 November 2012

Tombi LP Preview


Hey there, just a quick introduction for our Tombi lets play I'm really looking forward  to putting more of this up and I hope you enjoy whats to come.

Back soon

Monday 26 November 2012


Personally one of my favourite games Tombi one and two are both amazing.

If you have never heard of Tombi before the you are in for a treat. Arriving on the PlayStation one in the UK on September 4th 1998. Whoopee Camp was the developer for these games and they were the only games that they produced but wow did they do a great job. So the basis of Tombi is that you are a young boy with bright pink hair that has had his grandfathers bracelet stolen by the seven Evil Pigs and you have to get it back by defeating them one by one till you beat the last one.
(Just a Koma Pig these are the minions to the Evil pigs)
  The evil pig fights are a tiny part of this game, you will find yourself travelling all across the land to really unique places with lots of different quests, but the places that you are in are not in their original state  they have been cursed by the Evil Pigs so they are alternate versions of what they were and each evil pig is connected to one so when you beat them the place goes back to normal.
(The Mushroom Forest, damn creepy flowers I can still see their faces when I close my eyes)

You can take on a lot of mission at any point and refer back to them in your journal, some you may not be able to finish till you change the land back to what it was which i think is a nice spacing feature so you don't just finish an area and never go back there you travel between places often and you get a feel for which way to go where you think key items might be. The first time through you will miss a lot of things (well I did anyway) because there is so much to do Tombi really is a game I can go back and play over and over again and still find out something new each time.
As far as weapons go there are a few but I'm not going to say how many just in case you play it it's better that its a a secret. But I will say that the base weapon you start with is the Blackjack pictured above, not much to say about it really except it's awesome and not just because its pretty powerful but because you can do something pretty damn cool with it later in the game.

I feel like I'm missing some things but hey this is definitely going to be the first  lets play we do so we will cover everything in that (well most things).

Thanks for reading I'll be back in a day or two for another retro review and Ben should send me his to post soon too and we have another contributor joining so come back soon

Sunday 25 November 2012

Sorry I havn't posetd in a few days

Hey again

So Ben came over and instead of doing an audio recording we got distracted and played some games and talked about new ideas, so we are going to do some lets plays of games the whole way through no idea what we will start with but we will see. If anyone reading this has any ideas then shoot but until then we are undecided. So they should be going onto probably my YouTube channel as soon as we get hold of a capture card. also I believe Ben will be putting up a review of Halo 4 as I have not played it yet so stay tuned for that. Another thing we have planned is audio sessions as I mentioned earlier we completely forgot to do that today but one will be along soon, I hope.

OK  so I promise tomorrow I will put up a review of a game and its going to be Tombi on the PlayStation one.

Bye for now

(Tombi EU Cover)

Thursday 22 November 2012

Unforseen Circumstances

well unfortunately Ben has hurt his neck so no review today but I will get onto doing one tomorrow on a Retro game I think don't know which one yet probably a semi Retro PlayStation one game

see you tomorrow the one person who reads this

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Planetside 2

Bored of shooting people in small teams. Well jump onto Planetside 2 an MMO FPS that is legitimately huge. The basis of Planetside 2 is there are 3 factions fighting for control over a planet that is separated into different continents, and each continent has a whopping 2000 people on it all kicking the crap out of each other with high tech weaponry.

Points and Upgrades:
Sick of the same old guns well just kill a couple of hundred people and you could buy one that is essentially the same. I have opted to stay with the original weapon and just upgrade it till i can no longer recognise it this is done through using certifications (Certs) in the kind of complicated upgrade system, well maybe not complicated but a touch confusing I think I had more luck with the World of Warplanes upgrade system and I think that's what we will do tomorrow.

Along with Certs you get points to buy ammo, grenades, aircraft and land vehicles. These points come in quite easily from capturing points and killing people I think this is a great way to reward players.


New Conglomerate
I personally feel they are the kind of stock team a good all round team that doesn't specialise in anything. They have average weapons and the starting gun for the light assault is just a basic machine gun. I would say if you don't know what to expect from this game or you can't decide between heavy weapons and technology then blue is for you.

Terran Republic
If you want to dish out as much pain as possible then head for red. The Terran Republic the powerhouse in my eyes, they are quite capable of standing alone against a few people with heavy Armour and heavy weapons they tear through troops with ease. The downside to this team I found is that if you aren't carrying a machine gun you're not going to get many kills as the front lines are where the reds can be found.

Vanu Sovereignty
lasers. If that word excites you then head on over to Vanu or purple team because Vanu sounds a little weird. Now this is the team for me tactics and technology I thoroughly enjoy playing as these guys the guns are great not too powerful but there is very little recoil meaning you can get the next shot lined up fast. The unfortunate thing about team purple is the Armour you may as well be a wearing jock strap made of paper because if your not getting uncomfortable paper cuts your getting your teeth made into necklaces by everyone you meet.


 High speed low control ATV that will get you where you want to go as it can cross almost any ground and is the cheapest vehicle. I have had a bit of trouble with always ending up upside down on these things but I'm a pretty bad driver. If your vehicle points are low and you need to get somewhere fast then go for this as it will probably be your only choice.

If you want a big vehicle with enough space inside for 12 people and two turrets on the top. This is my favourite vehicle because I can pick my teammates up and with an upgrade you can turn this into a mobile spawn for whoever wants to use it and you get points for each person who spawns. Another great thing about this vehicle is it brings people together, people will help defend the vehicle to let other people spawn there.

Mosquito, Reaver and the scythe 
These three are the light air vehicles for the three teams the Mosquito (Terran) is a small gunship with light firepower and a boost, actually i will say this now all three have a boost function for fast paced dogfights. The Reaver (conglomerate) is very similar to the mosquito but it looks a bit more like a conventional helicopter. Finally the Scythe (Vanu) this is a nice looking vehicle pictured on the left it feels very jet like when you fly it and is great for speeding past people and shooting them down but it is the weakest Armour wise of the three.

 And That is all for this review thanks for reading if you want to know more about Planetside 2 go play it, it's free after all and it is amazing. I love it, people really work together and the amount of different things you can get is great if your not playing this already go and give it a try you can get it at the official site here : 

Come back here tomorrow for a short review of World of Warplanes which I will hopefully be doing with my friend Ben. Leave your ideas in the comment section so i know what you want me to review... whoever is reading this.


Oh and this is one of the bases you can capture


Tuesday 20 November 2012

Hello There

My name is Alex and I have been meaning to start something like this for a while.
Gaming will be the main subject, but I will cover films and things or I may just get one of my friends to do that.

Anyway if you want to see maybe a couple of game reviews because you're bored or you just can't decide whether to get it or not check in here. Also I will try and take in ideas from you guys as well, so if there's game or film or whatever you want me to have a look at and write about then ask away and I'll do my best.
you can expect the first post tomorrow and I think it will be on Planetside 2 which came out today and I took part in the beta with a few friends but more on that tomorrow

I hope whoever ends up reading this at least has a laugh